The Next Big Thing...
I spend a bit of time looking at “trade"magazines. If you’re not familiar with the term,they are magazines that are published for shops such as ours that tell us what the designers think are the latest design trends, popular color choices and products. They come out with phrases like Upcountry Home, Rustic Chic, Ranch Style or Bohemian to describe what they think will be the next big home decorating hit.
Sometimes when I read the articles I do take to heart what they have to say when I buy inventory knowing that I have customers that will actually want that particular style. For example, lots of our customers are interested in the trendy industrial look so whether it be new or vintage, we have some of that in the shop.
There are some trends that we tend to skip over, thinking that we don’t necessarily have the customer base that is interested in it. The first one that comes to mind is Bohemian, with its colorful pillows, throws and other items associated with that look. I like it, but I am just not sure that it is a good fit for our shop. Since there’s not enough room or money to even begin to carry everything the designers are promoting as ” the next big thing", that old saying, when in doubt, don’t, works well…k
June 4, 2016