Start All Over Again...
Here we go….it’s time to decorate for the holidays at Sisters. Every year we try to hit a happy medium, don’t put it out too early or we’ll irritate some folks, (even though some people start asking us as early as July, when?) don’t put it out too late or the customers will have already spent their money somewhere else. And so it goes…
Anyway, we’re now in the decorating mode, much of it getting done after hours so we don’t have to worry about boxes being in the way or not hearing a customer come in because you’re digging out cartons of stuff in the storage area. Lots of thought goes into where everything will go. Sometimes it’s a challenge to figure out where to put the trees because our shop is kind of long & skinny. Sometimes where we choose works, sometimes it doesn’t.
We’ll get everything out, all of our favorites ordered at the market in January, stuff that rolled in to the shop in June, was marked & put into storage until we were ready for it in late October. Then we hope our customers like everything as much as we do so it finds a spot year after year in their homes or is given as a gift to be cherished by the recipient.
Then, if we’re lucky, we can start all over again at that market in January…k

October 27, 2016